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Mambo 2 Hip Hop


As a Bgirl from the 1990s, a Diversity, Inclusion, & Equity strategist, and a professional speaker, I've developed a lecture series called Mambo 2 Hip Hop. This series explores the socio-political backdrop of Puerto Rico and Cuba, explaining why many artists left these islands to collaborate with Black jazz artists in the U.S.

This lecture, program & curriculum highlights Hip Hop's role in social and political activism by tracing the collaboration between Black and Latino communities from the 19th century onward.The journey covers the evolution of Jazz, Latin Jazz, Salsa, and the birth of Hip Hop in the 1970s, focusing on the impact of redlining and the return of the African drum through Latino artists. I delve into the story of how Black and Puerto Rican youth in the Bronx, amidst systemic oppression, created the elements of Hip Hop.

Born and raised in Seattle and later moving to New York City, I performed with legends like the New York City breakers, Rock Steady Crew, and DVS, a Seattle Hip Hop crew. My goal is to offer an Afro-Indigenous Latino perspective on Hip Hop, showcasing the resilience of our communities in transforming trauma into triumph.